Good morning, life.
It is a lovely morning. It’s not sunny, but at least it’s not raining or foggy.
I am far from feeling well.
I have over three hours today to get to St. Anthony. My original plan was to take my time and stop at a few points of interest I had marked on my map, arriving in St. Anthony the next day. Unfortunately, life is throwing a huge challenge my way.
I am happy with some parts of my drive. The gentle baby blue skies are my horizon, bringing comfort to me. This is the second time in my travels here that I have noticed the particular light blue skies. There is such a uniqueness to this color.
To break my drive, I make two quick stops. One is at The Arches Provincial Park, and the other is to check out the Thrombolites at Flower Cove.
From Google: Thrombolites are huge bun-shaped formations which are 650 million-year-old fossil structures formed of remnants of bacteria and algae.
A few months ago, as I was planning my route in Newfoundland, I checked the Road Trip Her Facebook group map to see if anyone was offering their driveway there.
One little dot appeared on the map. I emailed Renee to introduce myself and ask if her invitation to park in her driveway is available during my visit.
Renee lives near the town of St. Anthony. She replied with a yes, and the plan is for me to reach out as I get closer. I did reach out a few weeks ago to let her know I had entered Canada.
When I started my research about Newfoundland, one striking fact repeatedly came up: The people of Newfoundland are the kindest people you will ever encounter. Here is solid proof of that!
I need all the strength in my body and soul to make this phone call. I am calling Renee to ask for help. I know she will not be at her house since she is away, but I hope to have some kind of help. Remember, I am a total stranger to her.
Without hesitation, Renee offers me her house to stay and cook a healthy meal. I am stunned. She tells me her parents live nearby if I need any further help. At this point, I feel uncomfortable as I want to ensure Renee I am a decent person staying in her house. I asked if her parents could stop by so I could introduce myself.
Patsy and Alonzo are sweet and kind, and their warm welcome soothes me right away.
In the evening, I FaceTime Renee to express my deepest gratitude. Her generosity is a lifesaver.
It is impossible not to be aware of how the universe aligns me with the right people. Not only did Renne open her home to me, but she is also an Acupuncturist and Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner. Her advice is priceless.
I know you are watching me, Mom...
So that is where I am now, resting in a charming, rustic little house, just as I like it.
And my view...My view is of the bay with a floating iceberg and pods of whales.
The next day…
I feel defeated.
I am tired. I have been roughing it for so many months now, that my body is screaming at me.
I am stressed from a project back home that clouds my peace.
I need to figure out where to go from here. Should I continue traveling through Newfoundland, or should I cut it short?
On a sunny day like today, I am all in! However, most days since I arrived are rainy and gray.
My dear Susan reminds me that we who choose to live a nomadic life need to travel slowly and take what we can, otherwise, we burn.
I still need to truck back the way I came on Route 430 until Deer Lake and then travel west. I will let the road tell me what to do.
For now, I will take a few days to rest with the whales.
When on earth do I ever experience an open window with a stunning view? A floating iceberg and whales swimming around, blowing into the air. At first I start to count them, but after a while, I give up. I can't keep up.
Tomorrow is a new day and a new beginning…
