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Settling In with Gratitude, Winter Park CO

I am settling into a routine. In a way, since 2020, when I lost both of my part-time jobs due to COVID, routine has had a very soft presence in my life. Losing those jobs pushed me to focus entirely on my home and color design business, giving me the freedom to create my own schedule. When I left to embrace life on the open road, routine seemed to lose its grip on me altogether, and I discovered the true meaning of freedom.

Today, I am thirsty for all kinds of experiences, so stepping back into a "box" doesn't feel like losing my freedom. Yes, I am adjusting, but seeing that I am doing it with a big smile feels like growth. That’s another step forward.

I love it here! Almost every day is sunny. Yes, it is undoubtedly cold here. However, the sun somehow tricks my mind and warms my soul. I spend as much time as possible outdoors. I turn my lunch breaks into walks and eat my lunch at my desk. In the mornings and evenings, as I walk to and from my room, I take extra time to savor the mountains around me.

There is magic in the light at the edges of each day. The morning light angling across the mountains feels like a prayer of gratitude for the life I live today. The last light of the day, as it melts away from the mountain peaks, leaves me speechless and deeply thankful for another joyful day.

On my "weekend," I try to spend as much time as I can skiing and hiking, though it’s not always possible with everyday chores calling for my attention.

At times, it feels like the top of the high mountains is so close to the sun’s rays melting away the thin layer, which means every day offers a newly painted canvas for me to enjoy. I love how the earth-brown textures blend with the contrasting white snow that tucks into their folds. I have a feeling these mountains will soon wear their white coats for a while.

Winter Park's trail system is still quite overwhelming. It’s a very expansive ski resort. I am still figuring it out, and the last thing I want is to end up on a lift leading to hard blues or blacks.

After a fabulous lesson with Sam, I gained more confidence. According to Sam, I am a blue skier. The only person left to convince is me. Funny enough, I realized one of the trails I’ve been skiing from the start is blue. So maybe I am?

Here is another happy-ending story: A young guy, let's call him Kenny, approached the Lost and Found window visibly upset. After a strong snowboarding run, he realized he hadn’t zipped the pocket holding his brand-new iPhone and AirPods. It was too soon for anyone to find them, and honestly, the odds of recovering them in the deep snow weren’t great (this was after a 19-inch snowstorm.)

Kenny visited our window several times that day, despite our promise to contact him if anything turned up. He was distraught, and it was hard to see. We all silently hoped for a miracle. Over the next couple of days, he returned, but there was still no sign of his belongings.

Much to our surprise, we received AirPods matching his description about a week later. You should have seen the half-smile on his face! The other half still clung to hope for his iPhone.

A few days later, during my lunch break walk, I spotted Kenny coming toward me with a full smile. He recognized me and stopped to share the news. He found his phone! I couldn’t help but hug him. I was thrilled for him and couldn’t wait to tell my team. We all felt such joy in his happiness. It’s amazing how much fulfillment we find in reuniting people with their lost belongings.

Tip: Zip up your pockets.

One of my favorite parts of the day is riding the Village Cabriolet, an open-air gondola. It’s definitely the coldest part of my journey, but the spectacular views make it worth it. Who would have thought that one day I’d be in a place where going to work feels like being in an amusement park?

Good morning, little snowflakes! You tickle my face on this gray, gloomy morning. Heavy clouds hover above, hiding my distant mountains. In exchange, they gave me a new color palette. The hunter-green trees, muted by the shadows, stand bold and rich with a hint of black undertone. The fresh snow sharpens the contrast, creating a simple, stunning scene. (Sorry, I couldn’t capture it in a photo—it’s too beautiful for my camera!)

I am SO excited! My boys are coming for a visit...



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