It is cloudy and cold outside this morning. Last night's snow left a thin layer of beautiful white fluff. I pack my lunch, and go for another new day of learning and discovery. I am heading to the small town of Abiquiu to tour Ghost Ranch (It was the home and studio of Georgia O'Keeffe and the subject of many of her paintings). By the time I leave, the sun starts to play peek-a-boo between the clouds, which creates a dramatic dance between the clouds and the skies. When I get to Abiquiu, the scenery joins the drama and takes my breath away. Mother Nature is blessing me today with a play of light, shadow, cliffs, colors, and texture. That is a pure gift!
I take two tours at the Ranch - one of the histories of the Ranch and the other is the Georgia O'Keeffe landscape tour. I am happy I have another opportunity to learn about Georgia O'Keeffe and her art.
The blowing wind added to the freezing temperatures, so I skipped the thought of hiking today. I do drive around the Ranch and make various stops.
I love the skies in New Mexico, they are like nothing else I have experienced before. It almost feels like they are part of the earth beneath them. There is so much depth to them, and they constantly changing colors and movements.
