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Kanab UT and Lake Powell, Page AZ

It is another morning in the library, where it is nice and warm. 

Yay, Betty arrived! It is so wonderful to see her, and it feels like I just saw her yesterday. 

So far, we have applied for three lotteries to hike The Wave. The one that I applied for on Friday, someone else was lucky enough to win.

Tonight, we will know if the two applications we submitted this morning will earn us the golden ticket. 

Until the evening when we need to check our email and be in town for cell service, we drive to check a BLM campground twenty minutes from Kanab. Ponderosa Grove Campground is a gem of a place! For $12, you get a picnic table and pit toilet, which is good enough for us.

There's still time to take a short hike before heading to downtown Kanab for dinner. Sands Cave is just outside the town. The hike requires you to climb up on the surface of the rocks. Due to my fear of heights, some sections stop me in my tracks. It's funny how Betty offers her help; it feels like déjà vu. That was my experience last year when we hiked Angels Landing in Zion. Without Betty's help, I would still be standing, unable to descend from the Angels Landing trail. It is worth the climb, as the Sands Cave is a good-sized cave with interesting wall textures.

You do not always get what you desire; disappointments are part of life. We both came with the notion that if we win, it will be wonderful; if not, there are plenty of beautiful places around to enjoy.

Ponderosa Grove Campground is at a 6,000-foot elevation. The temperatures here are in the low 20’s, and the wind adds a bitter freezing feel to the air. I invited Betty into my living room. Betty is my first guest in my tiny, tiny home. I am so happy with my van setup. It's incredible what you can do with a small space if you just wish to follow a dream.

Another freezing night without electricity. I can only use my heating blanket on a low setting. That is not enough. By 3 AM, I am awake from the cold, and my mind starts racing. Sometimes I wish I didn't think so much.

There has been a nagging in my heart for a while now, and I couldn't pin it until now. Even with all my experience under my belt, Newfoundland feels like I am pushing my boundaries. Newfoundland is much more remote; especially on the west side. Weather-wise, it will still be cooler, but June is when the iceberg is floating, and that's why I chose to go in June.

I know I don't have to go to Newfoundland. However, I've been dreaming about this island for a while now. The one thing the last year and a half taught me is not to let my fear hold me back. I will find my way as I always do. As I write this, it feels like a pep talk to myself. I hope to listen.

We decided to drive to Lake Powell and kayak in Antelope Canyon, but first, we're warming up with two hikes. One is to the Hanging Garden, a short hike with beautiful scenery to a secret garden of greenery. 

On the same dirt road, we continue to our next hike, Chains Trail, which is a fun trail that will lead you to the water’s edge of the Colorado River. We find ourselves surrendered in a rock formation that gives us the feeling that we did win the lottery as it reminds us of a wave.

It is a beautiful day today. The sun is high in the sky, warming up the day. We are enjoying a relaxing time kayaking, sandwiched between the walls of Antelope Canyon. Each side of the canyon has a different wall texture, making this experience even more remarkable.

The day is drawing to a close, but we want to squeeze in one more hike. I actually did this hike a year ago on my way to Zion to meet up with Betty. It's such a great hike that I want to share it with Betty.

Toadstool Hoodoos Trail is a 2-mile hike to view hoodoos. No matter how many times I see those hoodoos, I will be fascinated by how they even got there in the first place. The hike starts with beautiful layers of rock formations, waving into the landscape with such a gentle dance.

It turned out that last time, I missed an excellent section of this hike. I am so glad I am here again. When you take that trail all the way to the end, there is an option to go to the right to see some hoodoos. What I didn't know is that if you continue to the left, and go through a magnificent white small mountain vista, you will get to another section of really fantastic hoodoos. 

We are back in our camp to cook dinner and try to get some sleep. Betty and I were too cold last night. Hopefully, tonight will be a bit warmer.

Tomorrow, we are heading to Bryce Canyon.



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