Hooray, the missing part arrived! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now. Man, the last three weeks were emotionally challenging. For a while, I was confused about the emotions coursing through me.
I know anger is for sure not one of them. Frustration, yes. There was one emotion that had me puzzled for a while. It felt like a knot in the center of my stomach. At first, I thought it was fear, but it didn't make any sense. I've learned to deal with my emotions rather than deny them.
So, I did what I've been doing for the last few years and listened to the teachings of Brené Brown to help me figure out what's going on in my heart. I opened the Libby app to listen to "Rising Strong as a Spiritual Practice." I've read the book, however, this time I am listening to a recorded live show about the book.
Yes, I got it. I feel helpless and powerless for losing control of my schedule and plans. This emotion is so intense at times that I feel like my positive character is being tested. Even before the news about the missing part arrived, I did whatever I could to return to my happy default and changed the word I used to describe my situation from "stuck" to "pause."
I am using this time here to work on the Canada part of my travels. However, today is such a beautiful day, that I need to immerse myself in nature to feel alive.
I drove thirty minutes through farmland to Bogue Chitto State Park to hike the Gorge Run Trail. I have missed wearing my hiking boots. They bring happiness to my body. I can sense my longing for the mountains. It's been a while, and I know that is part of the pain in my soul.
There are no mountains here in Louisiana; the land is flat. I still find beauty in this park as I hike through the woods. I passed two lakes with a big sign: "Beware of Alligators." My eyes scanned the lake for any movements, yet I was unsure if I even wanted to see one. A happy squirrel ran near the water and, of course, scared the hell out of me. I am the only one around to laugh at myself, but it still feels good and funny.
I am so ready to hit the road again! Staying longer than I imagined gave me the opportunity to taste the best Gumbo ever. Thank you, Linda, for sharing your incredibly delicious Gumbo with me.
I love when I stumble into a sentence I read in a book that makes me relax. I am slowly back to reading 'The Alchemist.' This book is a slow read for me, maybe because I don't want to miss all its hidden messages. Funny enough, that is the last straw that pushed me to write my book (I AM!: A Self-healing and Self-discovery Journey through Fear and Friendships). The message was that if the universe sends you messages, don't ignore them. Well, all the comments from so many of you to turn my writing into a book suddenly sank. That is why I insist that my book belongs to me as much as it belongs to all of you who planted the seed in me. I will be forever grateful to all of you for believing in me before I even imagined I could be an author.
So here is another message I read in 'The Alchemist' that helped me relax into my future, that I hope will do the same for some of you as well: "People need not fear the unknown if they are capable of achieving what they need and want." Wow, that sentence got a deep hold of my heart. All I need to do is look back on my life resume' to know and believe that I AM capable of achieving all that I need and want, and I am sure we all can.
Hallelujah, my baby is back! Now I need to catch up on lost time. Texas will need to be a quick stop. My main focus in Texas is still getting back to McDonald Observatory. I purchased my ticket for the Star Party. I am not missing it this time. Hopefully, the weather will cooperate with my schedule.
I am so pumped up! The open road is calling my name!
